Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Getting ready

For now, I am just getting all of my visas, tickets, and supplies. If anyone has any travel tips, please let me know.

So far, my itinerary is...starting out in Singapore (after a night in Japan). From there, I hope to hit most of SE Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam). I will spend 4-6 weeks in the area. After, I will go up into China for a few weeks and then across Mongolia, Siberia, and Russia to Moscow and St. Petersburg. I will then go south into Ukraine and across the Black Sea to Turkey. The rest of the trip will be spent seeing Jordan, Isreal, Egypt and anything else that I can fit in! Maybe I'll go across North Africa and fly home from Morocco or Spain...

All of this is subject to change depending on how long I decide to stay in any given area but if anyone would like to make a trip overseas, let me know. Maybe I can meet you!

1 comment:

kisabel said...

Yay - I get to be your first commentor :) David, your itinerary sounds WONDERFUL! I can't wait to read more. You know how much I like to travel, I am just super jealous. At least I can live vicariously through yuou. Be sure to post some pics if you can ... Keena